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Gallerie Riunite • Fondation Molinari • Zanzara Arte Contemporanea


Fiona Annis is a Canadian artist based in Tiohtià:ke – Montréal, whose work explores the enigmatic nature of photography. Her practice is not limited to a single technology, method, or subject, but investigates the fundamental elements of photography, including light, paper, chemistry, and time. With a sustained engagement with analogue materials and processes, Fiona integrates this historic knowledge with a deeply contemporary approach.


Born in Glasgow, Scotland (1983) and raised in Manitoba, Fiona Annis lives and works in Tiohtià:ke – Montréal. Fiona’s work has been exhibited in galleries and institutions including: the AC Institute (New York City), the Canadian Centre for Architecture (Montréal), Goldsmith’s University (London), Low Salt Gallery (Glasgow), Museo Novecento (Naples), Gallery44 (Toronto), VU Photo (Québec City) and the Art Gallery of Alberta (Edmonton).

Fiona has been awarded several national and international fellowships, including the Brucebo Foundation travel prize, held at the Museum of Astronomical Instruments in Naples; the Jarislowsky Prize, held at the Banff Centre for the Arts; and the Quebec Research Fund for Society and Culture, held at the Penumbra Foundation in New York City. Her artwork is featured in the permanent collection of the Museum of Civilization in Quebec City, the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec, and the public art collection of the city of Ottawa.

Fiona is the co-founder of the Society of Affective Archives, a collective dedicated to collaboration, the production of affective archives and the conservation of peripheral knowledge. Projects realized by the Society include exhibitions, artist books, video installations and performances, as well as the creation of large-scale permanent public artworks. Annis has a master’s degree from the Glasgow School of Art and an interdisciplinary doctoral degree from Concordia University.

Photo credit : Isabelle Darveau and Geneviève Philippon